Cooking for Hope


Upcoming Dates

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the upcoming Church Kitchen renovation project, we won’t be able to cook for HOPE in our Church Kitchen during the months of January, February and March. During those months, we will continue our ministry by purchasing lasagna, as we did during the COVID lockdown. I hope we will be able to return to our newly renovated Church kitchen in April and will start preparing our delicious (and nutritious) chili and corn bread for HOPE once again…stay tuned.


Manhattan Soup Run

Upcoming Dates

Since 2009, our Soup Run Ministry has been serving individuals who make their homes on the streets and other persons in need. We hope to offer some relief and try to provide the essentials needed for survival. Volunteers pack clothing donations, toiletry kits and sundry items and car pool to the city where food prepared in our Church kitchen and these items are distributed to those in need.
All members of our Holy Trinity community are invited.

Book Group

There are no rules, no requirements,
no homework.

You can read the book or not.
Come and enjoy a pleasant evening of stimulating conversation.

The Philoptochos Book Group meets once a month
to discuss a chosen book.

Bring the power of reading into your life by joining us for
lively discussions and delectable refreshments.
All are welcome!



James Plevritis - Joe Keane Evzone Chapter # 405

Today’s AHEPA is an extended family bound by a passion for education, and a dedication to community service, philanthropy, and individual excellence.

Although a majority of the membership is composed of Americans of Greek descent, application for membership is open to all men who believe in the mission of the organization.

AHEPA was founded on July 26, 1922 in response to the evils of bigotry and racism that emerged in early 20th century American society.  It also helped Greek immigrants assimilate into society.

Today, AHEPA brings the ideals of ancient Greece, which includes philanthropy, education, civic responsibility, and family and individual excellence to the community.


President: Harry A. Fotiadis
VP Membership: John Copulos
Secretary: Jon Kohilakis
Treasurer: Nick Kinas
Scholarship Chairman: Joseph C. Keane
Athletic Director: Costa Papademetriou
Public Relations Director: James Zafiros
Chaplain: Fr. Nick Anctil
Sentinel: Major John Daskos
Chef in residence: Manny Louros
Hellenism Directors: Peter Constantinides; Elias Pantelaros

The James Plevritis - Joe Keane Chapter is proud to offer an academic scholarship each year for graduating high school seniors. 

Young at Heart

Young at Heart is a social ministry of the parish, bringing together any and all members of our community over the age of 60 for monthly luncheons.

Beyond the monthly meeting - which are on the first Wednesday of every month at 11:00 AM, except July, August, and September - Young at Heart also organizes special events and trips. 


If you have any questions, or would like more info on joining the “Young at Heart” please contact George and Lori Curtis (

Orthodox Christian Fellowship

This fellowship is charged with connecting Orthodox college students — and those interested in the Orthodox Christian faith — to Christ and His Church.

OCF (Orthodox Christian Fellowship) is the official collegiate campus ministry program under the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America. The nearest OCF chapter is at Fordham University, and is ministered to by Fr. Sotiri Michalatos of the Annunciation Church in New York City

Request more information »


  • Supporting fellowships on college campuses, whose members experience and witness to the Orthodox Christian Church through community life, prayer, service to others, and study of the Faith;

  • Providing a variety of thoughtful and innovative programming including College Conference and Real Break domestic and international service projects; and,

  • Training lay and clergy volunteers as well as our students for leadership roles on campus and beyond.

Holy Trinity Choir

About us

The Holy Trinity Choir devotedly sings the Divine Liturgy on most Sunday mornings from October through June.

Choir members have a unique opportunity to develop a deep understanding of services through the musical history and tradition of the Eastern Orthodox Church.

As a choir member, you will play an integral part in cultivating a spiritual and reflective atmosphere for our community during liturgy.

Is choir right for you?

  • Our choir includes adult and young adult singers from the Holy Trinity community.

  • Community members as young as 16 are welcome to join. Young choir members should additionally be students of music in an academic setting (school choir, private lessons, etc).

  • All choir members are expected to be able to match pitches and rhythms, and have at least a vague familiarity with western music notation.

  • Learning aides are available through our choir portal to ease the process of learning the music.


Rehearsals take place in the Choir Loft. Rehearsals run about 2 hours with a mid-rehearsal fellowship break.


Services are sung from the Choir Loft. Warm up and review are in the Conference room about 30 minutes prior to services. Hot tea is provided during morning warm-ups!

Ready to join?

Junior Choir

Ages: Grades 5 through 12

Director: Georgeann Mavrovitis

Description: The Holy Trinity Junior Choir consists of middle school and high school aged parishioners. They sing the entire Divine Liturgy a few times every year. They also perform outside of the services, at dinners and other events. 

Please email for more information