Our History
We have received from our ancestors a legacy of sacred traditions: the faith of the Holy Orthodox Church and the values and culture of the Greek people.
Much of the greatness of Western civilization comes from this proud heritage. When our parents or grandparents left Greece for a new life in America, their faith, ideals, and culture helped them adjust quickly. They learned a new language and found their place in a challenging world. Though mostly poor and uneducated, they took pride in their roots and were determined to succeed. Their hard work is reflected in the vitality of Holy Trinity today, which is a legacy of those who built a better future for their families.
Our Clergy
Contilia Lazarus organizes the first group of approximately 30 families from Mt. Vernon, New Rochelle, Yonkers, and White Plains in her Mt. Vernon home to discuss the formation of a Greek Orthodox community.
First group rents a storefront in Genung's Department Store and assigns the name of Holy Trinity.
- The "Hellenic Orthodox Community of Westchester County, Inc." is incorporated.
- Congregation moves to the top of a garage on 5th Avenue between 2nd and 3rd Streets.
- Purchase of property on N. 7th Avenue as sight of future Church. It was never built on and was sold. Presumably, the proceeds were used for the purchase of the "Wooden" church in 1940.
- The precursor of today's Philoptochos Society is started.
Fire destroys "Wooden" Church before Easter. Holy Week services were held in the basement of the Masonic Temple in Mt. Vernon.
Congregation rents a house on Second Avenue, Services were conducted in the living room; the entryway served as the Narthex; and Sunday School and Greek School classes took place in the dining room, Fr. Papachristou lived upstairs.
Holy Trinity purchased the "White" Church from a Protestant community. This building was considered by many to be Holy Trinity's dream facility.
Building fund is organized and property is purchased on Mill Road and North Avenue in New Rochelle.
Ground is broken in New Rochelle for the new Community Center which also served as the Church until 1973.
Fire severely damages the Church shortly before Christmas. Services are held in the Social Hall until repairs are completed.
Approval for the expansion, remodeling and redecorating of the Social Hall is given as well as approval for the construction of a gym.
- Father Peter N. Kyriakos retired in June after twenty-three years of service.
- Father Nickolas Anctil officiated as our new pastor in July of 1996.
- Holy Trinity Senior Basketball Team wins championship of COEBL.
- Holy Trinity celebrates its 75th "Diamond Anniversary."
25th Anniversary of the Holy Orders of Rev. Father Nicholas Anctil and the 80th Anniversary of the Holy Trinity Parish.
Community Overview
Church Office
OFFICE MANAGER: Nancy Savaides
CARETAKER: Claudia Perez
Archdiocese Liaison: Executive Board
Audit: A. Prifti, J. Kohilakis
Adult Religious Education: Dn. P Baumgarth
Choir Liaison: H. Morik
Compensation: A. Prifti, M. Russon, G. Williams, D. Yotides
Insurance: D. Kartson, H. Fotiadis, G. Hatjygeorge
Dinner/Dance: H. Morik, C. Herzegovitch, M. Scaros, N. Kinas
Agape: T. Dushas, M. Louros
Easter Feast: S. Karagis, P. Koutsis, M. Louros
Elections: N. Kinas, S. Madouros, E. Zoulis
Board of Elections: TBD at General Assembly
Greek School Liason: R. Nicholas, E. Zoulis
Gym: C. Papademetriou, J. Resvanis
Journal: A. Soukas, G. Longo-Gurr
Office: G. Kondos, D. Yotides
Rentals: R. Nicholas, G. Kondos
Young at Heart: T. Dushas, G. Curtis
Stewardship: D. Yotides, A. Soukas
Youth: J. Kohilakis, T. Primis
Technology: A. Prifti, M. Russon, J. Kohilakis
Festival: G. Kondos, A. Benekos, D. Ventresca, T. Primis, J. Dos Santos, C. Papademetriou G. Papademetrios, M. Sirras, H. Fotiades, G. Kourakos, J. Copulos
Landscaping/Maintenance: J. Karagandis, G. Williams, D. Yotides, R. Nicholas
Name Day: D. Yotides, M. Scaros, D. Kartson
Shed Committee: H. Fotiadis, N. Kinas, M. Sirras
Kitchen: D. Yotides, E. Zoulis, S. Madouros, M. Sirras
Security: G. Papademetriou, S. Madouros, E. Zoulis
Greek School Director: G. Konstantinou
Sunday School Directors: T. Kusulas, C. Mavrovitis
Philoptochos: A. Gerkis
AHEPA: H. Fotiadis
Sr. Choir: TBD
Sr. Organist: TBD
Jr. Choir: G. Mavrovitis
Psaltis: J. Pantginis
Mommy & Me: S. Rentoulis
GOYA: A. Cossifos, S. Resvanis, A. Modroukas
JOY: B. Kotsamanidis
HOPE: R. Potiris
Mr. & Mrs. Club: R. Kousteris, P. Costakos
Greek Dance Troupe: E. Metaxas, N. Gregory
Greek School PTA: C. Kotsamanidis
Young at Heart: Lori & George Curtis
Library: D. Graff, A. Eng
Cub Scouts: A. Yiannakos
Boy Scouts: A. Yiannakos
Girl Scouts: M. Kartanos
Girls Volleyball: TBD
Youth Divisions Basketball A & B: K. White, G. Hritcko, S. Allen, A. Lambrakos
Varsity Division Basketball: J. Resvanis
JV Division Basketball: C. Papademetriou, J. Curtis, J. Resvanis Loukoumi: N. Katsoris